About Us

What We Do

In the fall of 2016, a group of amateur thespians decided to put on a musical in a backyard. Inspired by world events at the time, we made it a fundraiser for a charitable cause.

Since that first show, we've been putting on musicals twice a year (except for a little break from 2020-2022) and have raised tens of thousands of dollars for local charities such as The Women's Building and SF Women's Centers, the SF LGBT Center, and the San Francisco Education Fund. 

Our People

Andrea H. began her career early as a toddler-prodigy, performing timeless renditions of “Salsa Beat #7” and “Demo Instrument” on her handheld Casio synthesizer while screaming at the top of her lungs and running circles through the house. Pianist, aspiring bassist, composer, arranger, imagineer, and winner of six RAFFI BANANAPHONES, Andrea would like to remind you that everyone poops and that’s okay.

Aowyn S. needs no introduction.

Brandon W. was homeschooled, and it shows.

Chris C. has been a recreational wizard ever since he (temporarily) turned his brother into a frog at age 8, but he's happy to finally go Pro Wizard for this production! (He continues to endanger just as many children with magic though!)

Clara M. did not try out for her middle school's play because she was "too old to try something new" and "really needed to focus on her career." She is now on stage to show everyone that it's ok to learn new things after you turn 13. In fact, in many cases, it's highly encouraged.

Ellen H. is in her fifth production with Backyard Theater — her fourth time back on the stage since her star turn as Egret #1 in her third-grade class play. In her spare time she enjoys playing flute in an amateur band that performs exclusively Irish drinking shanties. 

Jonathan P. was once told, "You're just doing that for attention." He was and still is. He was last seen in Daddy Dia!, the touching musical about Father's Day featuring the music of ABBA.

Kylie P. got 3rd place in the 4th grade Idaho state spelling bee and has spent the rest of her life trying to prove she has big-league potential. She's available if you need a consult on 'onomatopoeia'. This is her fourth backyard performance. 

Laura D. did not get into her high school's musical because, as the director put it bluntly, "[she] can't act." Lacking a growth mindset, Laura came up with an alternative plan for success in life -- privilege and connections. Backyard theater is no exception; she was grandfathered into the group in the pre-audition era by living with 2 cast members. A true hypocrite, her day job is to preach the meritocracy myth to local high school students.

Patty S. thrives in her roles as "meaningful side characters" to all of your favorite hits. She hopes that one day she'll get to play the Cat in the Hat's hat and Garfunkel in the Paul Simon and Friends straight-to-backyard-theater production.

Reena B. was looking for some drama in her life and instead of picking a fight with her friends, decided to place her talents in theater drama instead. She's well known for changing what key she sings in and ad libbing because she didn't memorize her lines.

Riya A. turned to acting as a refuge after getting kicked out of her motorcycle gang, the Yahama Mamas, for smiling too much. Traces of her cheerfully formidable former alter-ego, Harley Rae Jepsen, can still be seen whenever she takes the stage.

Sam T. is not his real name. When it came time to stop being the citizen of no nation and become a citizen of the US of A, he was allowed to pick a new cooler sounding name. Samuel Beckett seemed like a classy and mysterious name. And so Samuel it was, forevermore. And this was the only connection to theater he had until being chosen out of a cattle call for the BYT Lion Queen pit bass chair.

Seth W. is a not-quite-classically trained backyard Shakespearean actor.  This is his eighth Backyard Theater musical. His favorite ISO screw thread is M4.

Previous Participants

Aileen K. (Actor)

Aimee Z. (Choreographer)

Akwasi A. (Instrumentalist)

Alyssa N. (Actor)

Andrea L. (Instrumentalist)

Aseem S. (Actor, Assistant Stage Director, Head Writer)

Ashur B. (Actor)

Cole A. (Vocalist)

Desmond S. (Sound Engineer)

Divya R. (Actor, Head Writer, Instrumentalist, Vocalist)

Elena V. (Vocalist)

Emily M. (Actor)

Emma S. (Choreographer) 

Hadley B. (Instrumentalist)

Hannah T. (Actor)

Isaac S. (Instrumentalist)

Jesse R. (Actor, Instrumentalist)

Jordan E. (Actor)

Leo W. d B. (Actor)

Kyle M. (Actor, Set Designer)

Matt P. (Actor)

Meg R. (Actor)

Nick D. (Vocalist)

Patty S. (Actor, Executive Director) 

Pramod T. (Actor)

Quay (Actor)

Rory B. (Lighting)

Ryder M. (Lighting)

Sam L. (Actor)

Sarah W. (Actor)

Seth W. (Actor) 

Sonja D. (Choreographer)

Stephanie W. (Choreographer)

Ty A. (Actor/Instrumentalist)

Will S. (Actor)

Willa Z. (Choreographer)